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Instructor: Dan Maynes-Aminzade (monzy at stanford dot edu), Gates Bldg. Room 386

Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:00pm - 4:00pm, or by appointment

Course Assistant: Crystal Fong (cfongc at stanford dot edu), Gates Bldg. Room B26A

Office Hours: Mondays 10:00am - 12:00pm

When emailing about the course, please include “CS377S” in the subject.

Course Newsgroup: su.class.cs377s

Please use the newsgroup for discussion and general questions about assignments.

Course Mailing List: cs377s-win0708-staff at lists dot stanford dot edu

Project Links

Looking for project ideas? Browse these examples of cool computer vision projects.

Technology Demos and Research Projects

Commercial Products and Computer Vision Companies

Fun and Games


This section contains links to tutorials and reference materials for many of the tools used in CS377S.

Tools for Rapid Prototyping

  • Processing is a programming language and environment for programming images, animation, and sound. It is tailored towards artists and designers, and includes a capture library for grabbing video data from a camera.
  • Myron (WebCamXtra) is a computer vision tool for artists that can be used in conjunction with Processing or with Macromedia Director. It includes color, motion, and “glob” tracking.
  • The Papier-Mâché toolkit, built on top of the Java Media Framework, includes vision-based object recognition.
  • Eyepatch is a tool for visual, example-based training of computer vision classifiers.

Computer Vision Hardware

Advanced Computer Vision Tools

  • Matlab is data-manipulation software package that allows data to be analyzed and visualized using built-in functions and user-designed programs. Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox contains many useful functions for computer vision. Various Matlab resources are available online:
  • DirectShow is a Microsoft software component for capturing and displaying digital video. Though difficult to learn, it is the most flexible and powerful video capture solution for Windows platforms.
  • The Java Media Framework (JMF) is an optional Java package that extends the Java platform with audio and video capabilities. The JMF can capture, playback, stream, and transcode multiple media formats.
  • OpenCV is a powerful open-source C/C++ computer vision library. Many OpenCV tutorials are available online:
    • David Stavens runs an annual introduction to OpenCV for CS223B.
    • The OpenCV Sourceforge repository includes the materials from a course on OpenCV at CVPR 2001.
    • Robert Laganière has a well-written but somewhat out-of-date guide to using OpenCV with MFC.
    • The OpenCV Yahoo Group is an excellent resource for finding answers to questions about OpenCV.
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